Windows Modpack.

I've found this cool "modpack" for Windows 11

As i was sailing through github for stuff, i found this cool project by QuiteAFancyEmerald.

I’m not a big fan of over the top customization, especially on windows, but considering this uses some great stuff i’ve used in the past and have been configured properly to look this pleasing, if you are into it, this seems like the only viable option for it to be automated.

As far as optimizations go, i’m also not a fan of it using the Revision Playbook aswell as other tools beside it, most unexperienced people will just make windows crap itself by mixing stuff up as it was already preconfigured by that thing or the other, i haven’t experienced the installer yet but the person mentions? some configuration while in the command line.

Anyway, enough waffling, if you are into customization and you want some optimization that could be better overall, but still fine, take a look at it, links, as always, are masked within the text with coloring.